Спа-курорт «Al Maha Desert»

Healing Focus

Just 45 minutes from Dubai International Airport, Al Maha, a Luxury Collection Desert Resort and Spa, is a secluded haven, where guests are assured privacy within the tranquility of the desert.

What we offer at Al Maha Desert Resort & Spa is truly different and unique – there is nothing else like it out there. Al Maha means Arabian oryx and truly encapsulates the spirit of the resort because guests can see herds of these fine creatures at close distance as they come to the watering holes. This getaway sojourn is unrivalled for the unique experience it offers, be it the luxurious suites, the peace and tranquility, the fine dining or the opportunity to mingle with the desert’s most beautiful animals.

„Surrounded by some of the region’s most spectacular landscapes, rich with protected wildlife and filled with experience of traditional Bedouin pastimes, Al Maha offers a sophisticated yet simple and serene experience to its guests. Here you will find the wonderful silence and peace of the desert.“

  • Adults Only
  • Sustainability
  • Stress Release
  • Desert Safari


To ensure that the Al Maha stay-over is exceptional, the resort assigns guests a special personal guest services agent. It is their pleasure to ensure that we customize every detail of your stay to your personal liking. From pillows, special menus, itineraries, the temperature of your coffee or swimming pool, to orchestrating the most special milestones of your life, our guest relations team will surpass your expectations!

Our staff originates from 20 different nationalities, and between them they speak 28 languages. In the unlikely event that you are not catered for we provide you with a translator and walk that extra mile to make sure you can speak to somebody in your own tongue.

Timeless Spa at Al Maha, A Luxury Collection Desert Resort & Spa, is no different and meets the ever-rising expectations of the world’s most discerning travelers and is for guests who seek exceptionally high standards of personalized service.

The Timeless Spa concept was pioneered at Al Maha and includes using local indigenous products to create unique spa treatments. The finest possible products, the magic healing hands of our therapists together with ancient wisdom of treatments create synergy to purify, balance and revitalize your body, mind and soul.

Features & Benefits


42 individual suites, private swimming pools, private decks, world-class spa, garden surrounded by cascading water features and a sunken Jacuzzi

Healing & Spa

Spa Facilities

The spa includes five beautiful massage rooms overlooking dunes and offers complete face and body treatments specially designed to enhance relaxation in this tranquility setting. The massage suites are attached to the hydrotherapy and Rasoul therapy rooms.

The gymnasium incorporates a comprehensive range of fitness equipment and includes a sauna, steam room, hammam and ice plunge pool, all with panoramic views

Healing Therapies & Treatments
  • Body and balance treatments
  • Wellbeing treatments (sleep, de-stress, energy, happiness)
  • Massage therapy


  • Horseback riding
  • Gym
  • Sauna
  • Outdoor swimming
  • Desert activities


  • Al Diwaan: Dine in sophisticated style at Al Maha’s signature Al Diwaan Fine Dining Restaurant, alfresco on the veranda with breathtaking views of the reserve

  • Deck Dining: Relax in the intimacy of a romantic meal, tailor-made exactly to your requirements and served on your private deck outside your suite
  • Dune Dining: A magical experience of fine dining under the Arabian sky at night. The food and the ambiance, created by flame torches, Persian carpets and starched white linen, combine to present you with breathtaking memories
  • In-Suite Dining: Recharge in the comfort of your own secluded space and unwind with a romantic meal, freshly prepared to suit your own distinctive tastes and served in privacy

Anne Biging

Founder & CEO

Authentic heritage and architecture of the Bedouins offers a sense of desert adventure. Horseback riding through the dunes are a must.


The Al Maha Resort & Spa is located in the Dubai Desert Reserve.

  • Dubai International Airport: 65 km

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Источник: https://healinghotelsoftheworld.com/hotels/al-maha-desert-resort-and-spa-dubai/

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Путеводитель по Дубаю, по дороге к будущему

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